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General (Only in German)



Ist das normal? Sprechen wir über Sex, wie du ihn willst - Melanie Büttner, Alina Schadwinkel, Sven Stockrahm

Sex ist für jeden anders. Was normal ist, daher auch. Das Buch kann helfen, herauszufinden, wo die eigenen sexuellen Bedürfnisse, Wünsche und Grenzen liegen.

Himmel auf Erden und Hölle im Kopf: Was Sexualität für uns bedeutet - Christoph Joseph Ahlers, Michael Lissek
Das Buch gibt einen guten allgemeinen Überblick über das Phänomen der Sexualität.




Ist das normal? (Zeit Online)


Sex lieben - Ohjaaa! (WDR 2)


Feminine sexuality




Come as you are - Emily Nagoski

Great sex guide for women! Most important point: Sex always has a context that is often underestimated!


Becoming cliterate - Laurie Mintz

The book does away with the lies, misunderstandings, and myths surrounding female sexuality and addresses both personal and political issues.


Fruit of knowledge - Liv Strömquist

The graphic novel deals with the cultural history of the vulva in a humorous way.




Podcasts (Only in German)


Is that normal? (Zeit Online) - Episode: "The female orgasm"


Quarks Stories - Episode: "Clitoris reloaded - The incomplete exploration of female pleasure"






Female pleasure  


Vulva and vagina - new insights into female pleasure  (ZDF, German)


Vulva: lust and taboo  (ZDF, German)



on partnership


Passionate Marriage: Keeping Love & Intimacy Alive in Emotionally Committed Relationships - David Schnarch

Schnarch writes in a demanding way about the goal of emotional fulfillment in the partnership. Every form of sexual exchange shows how you perceive yourself and the other person and how you perceive the relationship.


The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate - Gary Chapman

The book describes five different relationship languages that are lived in partnerships. These are important to know in order to understand your own partnership.





Where should we begin? with Esther Perel





Thank you!

Location City West (near Ku'damm):
Düsseldorfer Strasse 8, 10719 Berlin

Prenzlauer Berg :
Christburger Strasse 9, 10405 Berlin



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